Bull Exchange

Bull Exchange

Members who wish to participate in Bull Exchange should send relevant information via “Contact Us”

It has been agreed that if a member would like to exchange a bull with another member possessing a similar bull, it could assist members in finding a suitable bull and maybe save some quite good animals going to abattoir. It would then be a matter for the members to decide if they wish this to be a permanent exchange or short term.

For Sale – Allendara Dexter Herd, Co Kildare

For Sale – Allendara Dexter Herd, Co Kildare

Dispersal of the remaining herd includes: 4 Dexter Cows with Calves at foot (2 Males & 2 Females), 2-6 months 4 Cows; Muckelty Leigh 9yrs old Black non short, Derryola Ruby 6yrs old Red short, Castlescreen Gogetter 5yrs old Black non short, Allendara Wanda 2yrs...

For Sale – Two Black PBR Registered cows, Co Cork

For Sale – Two Black PBR Registered cows, Co Cork

Two black pedigree registered Dexter's cows one short one non short calving end  of August to a red ped reg Dexter bull, quiet cows very good mothers. Contact John 087 119 2200, will be in Kenmare mart on the 22nd of August. 11  and 12 years old

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